👋 DELIVER Amsterdam, is in 1 week away and we’ll be there!

DELIVER, the European meeting place for e-commerce, retail and logistics ⏱will take place on June 5 and 6 in Amsterdam!

E-merchants, Retailers, Professionals, are you looking to optimize your supply chain to quickly process and deliver your multi-channel orders and after-sales service competitively?

CIBLEX and Relais Colis meet all your requirements with a 360° B2C, CtoC and B2B offer for the delivery and reverse of your light or Bulky parcels, in Relais Colis, in Stores, Drive or at Home!

🤝🤝Let’s meet on June 5 and 6 @Deliver Stand E21
Christophe Cornilleau 可尼诺, Abderrahmane ZERROUKY, Mauk Dudok van Heel, Stephane Benoit, Contact – Ciblex